Application Security and Product Security are NOT the same

Application Security and Product Security are NOT the same

The security field, just like many other fields is constantly evolving. Application Security is nothing new, we have been talking about it since (arguably) the 1970’s, though “modern” AppSec really started to evolve in the early 2000’s. Product Security however has only started increasing in popularity in the last 5-8 years. Is Product Security just a fresh brand on Application Security? Some certainly think so. One things is for certain, there is not agreement on what it actually is.

Every Product Security team looks different, and requires different domain knowledge. If you are on a team that has to support on-premises software and cloud based software you need to know a heck of a lot. In the cloud, you get a lot for free, and it’s easy to take that for granted when you have to then think about the same patterns on-premises where you have very few guarantees of capabilities existing, or following the same patterns they do in cloud.

The mind map below represents my quick take on the domains and subdomains that have been most common with the products and teams I have worked on.

Product Security Mind Map
Product Security Mind Map

Among the items listed above, the high level categories are:

  • Infrastructure Security and Design
  • Software Security and Design
  • Vulnerability Management
  • Security Testing and Analysis
  • Sales Enablement
  • Product Management

The video below covers all of this at a high level, but we will be diving deep into each of these areas in future posts and videos.

Application Security and Product Security are NOT the same from ProdSec on YouTube.

About Matt Goodrich

My name is Matt Goodrich. I'm a dad, a pilot, and an information security professional.